Nutrient Neutrality

Nutrient neutrality is European driven legislation that was introduced under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Regulations 2017 alongside the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017. In England and Wales this covers Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), Ramsar, Special Protection Areas (SPA).

The legislation is designed to protect ‘Designated Areas from any significant effect from nutrients due to a planning proposal. A development will need to satisfy the planning authority that there would be no likely significant effect (LSE) from the development on the downstream area of the designated site.

All proposed developments in a catchment within or upstream of a designated site will need to demonstrate ‘nutrient neutrality’. The nutrients in question being nitrogen and/or phosphorus, this will be from all surface water runoff and wastewater generated by the development. The proposed nutrient load must be less than or equal to the nutrients generated by the existing land use.

Nutrient Assessment

Nutrient neutrality may require some mitigation as part of development, either in the form of onsite treatment of wastewater and surface water runoff, or by offsetting any increase in nutrient loading by converting land on or offsite with woodlands or wetlands.

AGA are ideally placed to help our clients with the initial nutrient assessment of the current nutrient loading, the potential nutrient loading and the mitigation of the proposed nutrient budget. AGA can provide a comprehensive report for presentation to the Local Planning Authority as part of your supporting documentation.

Get in touch with our team if you need any advice on our consultancy services.